Ivo Menšík, MD, PhD
Certified plastic surgeon
The incidence of capsular contracture is about 2-5% in all breast augmentations. The exact causes of a capsule formation are mostly unknown; the condition is influenced by many factors. The known causes include chronic infection around the implant, hematoma and contact with silicone gel in case the implant coating is damaged. A lower capsule formation incidence is reported at modern and high-quality breast implants.
MENTOR® breast implants, used at the Body Clinic, report statistically the lowest incidence of the complication thanks to patented Siltex® coating.
All procedures at the Clinic are performed only by experienced and certified plastic surgeons who continuously improve their expertise with the latest findings from international congresses and symposiums. Our surgeons are highly professional yet very empathetic and client-oriented.
Complete teamOur team consists of the best certified professionals. We have valuable experience and excellent references.
Our surgeons have been in the business for more than 20 years. They have successfully performed thousands of operations and helped many patients.
Within the post-surgery care, you will have a doctor available to tackle any immediate health problems.
Your safety and satisfaction are our priorities. We believe that using certified and quality medical material and equipment is part of the perfect complex care.
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Plan an appointment with an experienced doctor.